Friday, September 4, 2009

andy. 314. 72. ootlewah. gold. south.

andy, august, and i hung out at andy's farm today.
this farm is my happy place, and so is andy.

there were cows, running, bugs, and everything was green and gold with some scattered purple wildflowers.

everything about the farm and these photos are my favourite.

moving the camera 1-2 inches totally changes the light, effect, and dynamic of a photo.

in this last photo, they are both doing the SAME EXACT thing in each frame. unscripted. so cool.

everything about going to this place makes me so happy. i get thrilled thinking about it during the day before i go.
then the drive! it is so beautiful. it is curvy and sloping and the road is surrounded by other farms and the state of tennessee is so green!
and then i get there and it's almost perfect. then i hang out with andy and be outdoors...viola!
it is truly, and literally, golden.

august is completely worn out and passed out as soon as we got back to the house. he is also covered in farm and field residue. he plays tough, like any dog of mine would have to do.

i feel just as tired as him i think.
and so, good-night!