Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Commercial work! Everyone loves glass!

This is for an ad design I had to do for my final portfolio, shot in the Commercial studio at school.
Truly...I enjoy shooting commercial.

It's so chill to just come to school (wearing leggings, of course), set up the lights and the scene, listen to some tunes, maybe sing along, shoot away, problem solve, tweak, sing along some more, probably drink coffee out of my huge thermos....
it's relaxing; much like colouring in a colouring book.

So to get this shot, here's what I did...

Step one- went down to Ryan&Casey's liquor store to pick up this beautiful batch of Red Stripe.
Step 2- mixed karo syrup and water in a spray bottle
Step 3- sprayed the Red Stripe bottles and let the mixture harden overnight (well, for a few days really).
Step 4- shot it.
Step 5- drank it. I haven't completed step 5, but the beer (still covered with dried karosyrup droplets) is waiting in my fridge.
