Monday, December 7, 2009

pspp release party

last week i flew to charlotte, nc and cigi (of the Flock Apparel) and i had a photo release party for the models who participated in the Public Photo Shoot Project.
It was sooo cool! We had a big lightbox wall and all the photos printed and mounted. and then we had 5x7's mounted on cardboard frames and stamped with the "public photo shoot project" for sale.
very cool. very fun. lovely times!

i liked it. i like niche (the boutique it was at). i like cigi. i like people and their faces. i like blake's hair. i like the russian sisters. i like christmas trees. i like flying in airplanes (it is so close to impossible for me to stay awake on airplanes. i pass out as soon as i buckle my seatbelt). i like charlotte. i like bojangles cajun filet biscuits. i like stamps! i like cardboard. i like the song "monkey gone to heaven" by the pixies.
etc. etc.

the wall of photos!

this is what i look like in a mirror.

this man has the most beautiful freckles...

&here are some of the actual photos. ones of/for the models. who were all real people. and incredible people. it was awesome to work with all of them!

my extended family recently had a get together in delaware and i was unable to join.
so my brother picture texted this to me with the caption "insert sara here"
i won't lie- it made me laugh haaaaaard.

i like my brother so much that i think i'll move to germany with him.
yeah...sounds good.